
Department of Biostatistics
Department of Statistics (by courtesy)
University of Michigan
1415 Washington Heights
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Office: 4602 SPH I
Email: irinagn [at]

Link to CV

Formal short Bio

I develop statistical methods to analyse modern high-dimensional biomedical data. My methodological interests are primarily in data integration, machine learning and high-dimensional statistics, motivated by challenges arising in analyses of multi-omics data (e.g. RNASeq, metabolomics, micribiome) and data from wearable devices (continuous glucose monitors, ambulatory blood pressure monitors, activity trackers). I am convinced that challenging applied problems give rise to better statistical methodology, and that better statistical methodology in turn aids scientific discovery. I believe that collaboration plays a key role in achieving this goal and I enjoy working with both domain scientists and methodological researchers. My research has been supported by the National Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, and recognized with a David P. Byar Young Investigator Award from the Biometrics section of the American Statistical Association, NSF CAREER Award and Institute of Mathenatical Statistics . If you would like to join the research group, click here to explore available opportunities.

I deeply care about the training of next generation, and put large emphasis on reproducible research practices and computational skills in my teaching. I embrace integration of my research and education missions, and employ a team-based approach to research with active student engagement. My efforts in mentoring undergraduate students have been recognized with Dr. Judith Edmiston Mentoring Award from the Texas A&M College of Science.

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